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Sex Offender Management Professionals


Community Notification and Collaboration

The Collaborative Approach to Sex Offender Management
Explores why collaboration is essential to the effective management of sex offenders and discusses the benefits and challenges of a collaborative approach. It also describes how jurisdictions can promote shared responsibility among key policymakers and practitioners for decisionmaking on offender management issues.

Community Notification and Education
Examines the differences in state laws regarding community notification and explores some innovative approaches to notification and education.

Engaging Advocates and Other Victim Service Providers in the Community Management of Sex Offenders
Encourages agencies managing sex offenders in the community to consider the benefits and feasibility of involving victim advocates and other victim service providers in their work.

Electronic Monitoring and Polygraphs

Electronic Monitoring of Sex Offenders: 2006 Report to the Legislature
Describes the advantages and disadvantages of global positioning systems, types of sex offenders subject to monitoring, when offenders are subject to monitoring, and costs of monitoring.

GPS Monitoring of High-Risk Sex Offenders: Description of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's San Diego County Pilot Program
Reviews a California pilot program that electronically monitors sex offenders.

How Is the Post-Conviction Polygraph Examination Used in Adult Sex Offender Management Activities?
Addresses the use of polygraph examinations in the management of adult sex offenders.


Case Studies on the Center for Sex Offender Management's National Resource Sites
Highlights unique strategies that have been implemented to effectively manage sex offenders under community supervision.

Community Supervision of Sex Offenders
Recommends improvements in supervision and treatment of and housing for sex offenders living in Minnesota.

Community Supervision of the Sex Offender: An Overview of Current and Promising Practices
Discusses practices and lessons learned in communities throughout the country.

Enhancing the Management of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offenders—A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners
Reviews sex offender management, the framework and steps for multidisciplinary responses, and recommendations for collecting and monitoring data.

Glossary of Terms Used in the Management and Treatment of Sexual Offenders
Offers definitions that reflect conventionally accepted language in the field of sex offender management.

Identifying Resources for Managing Sex Offenders
Lists resources related to sex offender management.

The Impact of Residency Restrictions on Sex Offenders and Correctional Management Practices: A Literature Review
Reviews the impact offender residency restrictions on criminal justice management practices and sex offender treatment programs.

The Importance of Assessment in Sex Offender Management: An Overview of Key Principles and Practices
Discusses the role that assessments play in ensuring informed and effective management of sex offenders.

Managing Adult Sex Offenders in the Community—A Containment Approach
Details how probation and parole agencies manage adult sex offenders.

Managing Sex Offenders: Citizens Supporting Law Enforcement
Explores legislation related to tracking and monitoring sex offenders, identifies the challenges faced by law enforcement, and examines the role that citizens play in assisting law enforcement in these efforts.

Managing Sex Offenders in the Community: A Handbook to Guide Policymakers and Practitioners through a Planning and Implementation Process
Helps policymakers and practitioners assess and strengthen their approaches to managing adult and juvenile sex offenders.

An Overview of Sex Offender Management
Describes the characteristics of adult and juvenile sex offenders and their offenses, the impact of sexual assault on victims, and the key components to the effective management of sex offenders under community supervision.

Public Opinion and the Criminal Justice System: Building Support for Sex Offender Management Programs
Addresses the importance of the public as a partner in the criminal justice system's response to sex offenders.

Time to Work: Managing the Employment of Sex Offenders Under Community Supervision
Discusses sex offender employment, including assessing potential job placements, approaches to job searches, making sound job placement decisions, developing relationships with employers, and monitoring sex offenders' job-related activities.

Training Curricula, Center for Sex Offender Management
Includes modules on understanding sex offenders, supervision of sex offenders, overview of sex offender treatment, management of juvenile sex offenders, role of victim and victim advocates in managing sex offenders, community education about sex offender management, and secondary trauma in the management of sex offenders.


No Easy Answers: Sex Offender Laws in the US
Serves as the first comprehensive study of U.S. sex offender policies, their public safety impact, and their effect on former offenders and their families.

State Crime Legislation in 2005, 2006
Summarizes state crime legislation for the years specified; includes information related to sex offenders.

Sex Offender Community Notification: Assessing the Impact in Wisconsin
Describes the effects of Wisconsin's community notification statute that authorizes officials to alert residents about sex offenders released into their communities.


Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
Promotes evidence-based practice, public policy, and community strategies to help assess, treat, and manage sexual abusers. Its Web site provides public policy information, publications on standards of treatment, and a code of ethics.

California Coalition on Sexual Offending
Represents professionals who work with sexual abusers (e.g., law enforcement, community services). Its Web site links to conference information, research, public policy, guidelines, and other resources.

Center for Sex Offender Management
Acts as an information exchange and provides training and technical assistance to those who work in sex offender management. Its Web site provides a comprehensive selection of sex offender documents, including curricula.

Colorado Sex Offender Management Board
Develops standards and guidelines for managing adult and juvenile sex offenders. Its Web site includes links to reports, research and training materials, reference guides, sample safety plans and forms, protocols, and a list of additional links.

The National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth
Covers guidelines, research, and clinical articles on adolescent sex offenders.

Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking
Offers states guidance regarding the implementation of the Adam Walsh Act, provides technical assistance, tracks legislative and legal developments related to sex offenders, and administers grant programs.

The Safer Society Foundation
Supports the Safer Society Press, which publishes books on all aspects of sex offending. Also supports the Nationwide Sex Offender Treatment Referral Service, which provides treatment referrals for juvenile and adult sex offenders throughout the United States.

Protocols and Protocol Development

Arizona Standards and Guidelines for the Effective Management of Adult Sex Offenders on Probation
Describes standards and guidelines related to pre-sentence investigations. treatment providers, offenders on probation, polygraphs, and other issues.

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers Professional Code of Ethics
Includes ethical principles and rules and procedures.

Community Management of Convicted Sex Offenders: Registration, Electronic Monitoring, Civil Commitment, Mandatory Minimums, and Residency Restrictions (Word)
Serves as a policy statement on the management of sex offenders.

The Comprehensive Assessment Protocol: A Systemwide Review of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offender Management Strategies
Assists jurisdictions with understanding and assessing sex offender policies and practices.

Effective Management of Sex Offenders Residing in Open Communities
Includes components of sex offender containment approaches, collaborative partnerships, treatment standards, surveillance, and public policy perspectives.

New York State Sex Offender Registry and the Sex Offender Registration Act
Describes sex offender risk levels, which govern the amount and type of community notification authorized for sex offenders.  

San Diego Sex Offender Treatment Standards
Provides standards of practice for treatment providers and information on establishing interagency community supervision teams.

Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders
Establishes a basis for systematic management and treatment of adult sex offenders.

Standards and Guidelines for the Evaluation, Assessment, Treatment, and Supervision of Juveniles Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses
Provides information on victims, standards of practice for treatment providers, qualifications of providers, multidisciplinary teams, conditions of community supervision, and polygraph examinations.


An Analysis of Risk Factors Contributing to the Recidivism of Sex Offenders on Probation
Seeks to identify static and dynamic factors that predict success or failure among adult sex offenders while on probation.

Recidivism of Sex Offenders
Examines critical issues in measuring the rate of recidivism, factors associated with recidivism, and the impact of interventions on reoffending rates.

Sex Offender Recidivism: A Simple Question
Examines research on sex offender recidivism.


Managing the Challenges of Sex Offender Reentry
Describes a multidisciplinary collaborative approach to managing sex offenders who are released from prison into the community.

National Reentry Resource Center
Provides information, technical assistance, and resources on prisoner reentry.

The Victim's Role in Offender Reentry: A Community Response Model
Addresses strategies for involving community members and victims in reentry partnerships. Chapters include setting the stage for addressing victim needs and issues in offender reentry, strategies for involving community members and victims in reentry partnerships, and promising collaborative reentry practices.


50 State Survey On Sex Offender Registry
Provides sexual assault statute citations, the types of sex offenses requiring registrations, and the agencies responsible for maintaining sex offender registries.

Crimes Against Children: Sex Offender Registries, by State
Lists online sex offender registries by state.

Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website
Allows users to submit a single national query to obtain information about sex offenders throughout the Nation.

Sex Offender Registration: Policy Overview and Comprehensive Practices
Describes policy issues related to sex offender registration.

Sex Offender Registries as a Tool for Public Safety: Views from Registered Offenders
Explores the use and effectiveness of sex offender registries.

Summary of Procedures and Practices Regarding Sex Offender Registration
Lists sex offender registration practices in San Diego County.

Summary of State Sex Offender Registries
Summarizes information on the status of sex offender registries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia as they operated in February 2001.


Sex Offender Treatment Programs
Examines the implementation and effectiveness of treatment programs for sex offenders in state and private facilities.

Understanding Treatment for Adults and Juveniles Who Have Committed Sex Offenses
Reviews research, professional literature, and practice trends relative to treatment for sexually abusive individuals.