Welcome to the Online Directory of Crime Victim Services, a resource from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Since its launch in 2003, the Directory has helped thousands of crime victims and service providers find nonemergency crime victim service agencies in the United States and abroad.
You can search the Directory by—
- location,
- type of victimization,
- service needed, and
- agency type.
Are you a victim service program or organization?
More than 10,000 programs are listed in the Directory and yours could be too. Add your program to the Directory and increase your program profile with providers and crime victims. Find out how on the Get Posted page.
NOTE: Many programs listed in the OVC Online Directory of Crime Victim Services receive funding through Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)-funded state assistance agencies. We refer to these programs as VOCA subgrantees. OVC has not been able to update VOCA subgrantees in the Directory since 2017. If you encounter any errors, please contact the OVC Resource Center for assistance by phone (800–851–3420) or email (askovc@ncjrs.gov). OVC is redesigning the Directory and, as part of this redesign, we will update the Directory with current VOCA subgrantee information. |
The information provided in the directory is the
sole responsibility of the not-for-profit programs and public agencies
that chose to make this information
publicly available on the Web. OVC does not endorse any particular
products or services listed in this directory. See the Disclaimer page for more information. |